The History of Our Church
1948 - First meeting of 24 persons who were interested in forming a congregation in Abilene was held on February 1 (led by Pastor Ernest F. Guenther). Sunday worship services began immediately the next Sunday (2/8/1948).
1950 - On August 20, the Rev. Harold W. Kamman was ordained and installed (he served the congregation as pastor until November 24, 1957). On October 31, 1950, the group was originally organized as a congregation.
1951 - The congregation officially joined The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod on August 20.
1952 - The church is located at the NW corner of 16th and Buckeye, purchased early in 1952.
1953 - Ground was broken on Easter Day, April 5th, and work began the same week. Some portions of the work were performed by members of the church. The original church is of contemporary design design, yet it retains many features of a traditional church.
1954 - On January 10, dedication services were held for this redwood, A-frame church building, designed by architect Uel C. Ramey.
1958 - The congregation was served by Vicars Herman Jank & Ray Pomplun, until 1960.
1960 - The Rev. R.W.P. Albers was ordained and installed July 10 (he served the congregation as pastor until September 16, 1963).
1964 - The Rev. Irvin Bruenjes served as pastor from May 24, 1964 to March 4, 1974.
1968 - January - Architect Calvin H. Bowden was authorized to complete plans for construction as approved. March - A contract is made with general contractor Paul Gay (a member of the congregation). April - Groundbreaking ceremony is held on Easter Day. December 8 - formal dedication of present Christian Education Addition.
1971 - May 9, Service of Dedication for new Sanctuary.
1974 - The Rev. Norman R. Sawyer served as pastor from June 30, 1974, to October 24, 1978.
1979 - The Rev. Henry Wolter served as pastor from October 14, 1979, until his retirement in October, 1986. He continued to serve the congregation until called to the Church Triumphant on January 9, 1987.
1980 - November 2 - mortgage burning and recognition of the 30th anniversary of formal organization of the congregation.
1987 - The Rev. Gary Wolf served as pastor from March 1, 1987 to November 23, 1997.
1990 - 40th Anniversary Worship was held on October 28.
1997 - The 150th Anniversary of The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod was celebrated on April 27: "Sent Forth by God's Blessing."
1998 - The Rev. Tim Kersten served as pastor from August 16, 1998 to December 22, 2002.
2000 - 50th Anniversary of Faith Lutheran Church was celebrated on Reformation Sunday, October 29.
2003 - Painting of the inside of the sanctuary/narthex, elevator addition and sanctuary/narthex lighting was completed. The Rev. Justin Panzer was installed as pastor on July 20, 2003 until January 2020.
2004 - Handi-cap accessible restrooms were completed. Entrance on the west side of the church remodeled. Narthex classroom remodeled for a work room/children's room.
June 13: Michael Hageman, "son of the congregation," ordained into the Office of the Holy Ministry
2005 - Exterior of the church repainted. New entry doors were installed.
2006 - Basement Classrooms and Kitchen/Fellowship Hall remodeling were completed.
2007 - Dedication of the Lutheran Service Book hymnals was held during the January 7 worship service. Dedication of the sanctuary seating and basement improvements followed by a potluck brunch was held on January 28.
2008 - Dedication of sanctuary and basement windows; dedication of the parking lot and church sign was held on May 11.
2010 - Dedication of south wall/stained glass windows; burning of parking lot lien was held on May 9. October 31 (Reformation Sunday) - 60th Anniversary of Faith Lutheran Church was held. Rev. Harold Kamman (pastor at Faith from 1950-1957) served as guest preacher during the morning worship service, and Rev. Keith Kohlmeier (KS District LCMS President) served as guest preacher during the afternoon Anniversary Worship & Circuit 9 Reformation Service.
2014 - Purchase of the 106 NW 16th property (located directly west of the church on the corner)
2015 - Property loan paid off; Steering Committee appointed to look into possible parking and facility expansion.
2018 - Rev. Panzer celebrated 15th anniversary as Pastor at Faith Lutheran.
2020 - Rev. Panzer accepted a full-time call as the Kansas District President of LCMS in Topeka, KS. Due to COVID-19, last in-person service was March 15, 2020. Opened back up May 31st with social distancing and face masks. The 70th anniversary (October 31, 1950) of Faith Lutheran church was recognized November 1st. Rev. Justin Panzer served as the preacher.
2021 - Rev. Joseph Barlau was installed as pastor at Faith January 3, 2021. He is currently serving as the pastor of the congregation.

- The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod (LC-MS) is a family of 2.6 million Christians, gathered in more than 6,000 congregations throughout the United States. Our church body was founded more than 150 years ago by a small band of immigrants in America who were dedicated to preaching and teaching the Gospel of the forgiveness of sins through Christ alone. Many of the founders of our Synod were from Missouri, hence the word "Missouri" in our church's name.
- Our congregations are united in an association of Christian fellowship called a "Synod," which means "walking together." Every congregation is self governed and unique. We believe and teach the same Biblical truths, but our congregations also reflect the diversity of the people we serve. Some are located in rural areas, others in inner cities. Some are large, others are very small. We are a family gathered from all nations, united in the wonderful truth that Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world.
- Martin Luther, the great Christian Reformer of the 16th century, boldly proclaimed the Bible's most important message: that Christ came into the world to save sinners, and lived among us to defeat our enemies--sin, death and the devil. Luther believed and taught that Jesus' sacrificial death on the cross washed away the sins of the whole world, and that those who place their trust in Him are forgiven. They are declared righteous and are reconciled to God.
- What Luther began in 1517 reached its culmination in 1580, when the official statements of Lutheran belief (the Lutheran Confessions) were gathered together in what is known as the Book of Concord. We place great value in retaining and advancing the cause of the Lutheran Reformation. We see in the Reformation movement the hand of God working to preserve the truth of His Word and the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Therefore, we are committed to genuine, historical Lutheranism.
We Believe...
- God is the triune God of the Bible--Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. He is our Creator, Redeemer and Sanctifier.
- The Bible is the Word of God. It not only contains the Word of God, but actually is God's Word and is the only source of revealed truth concerning Christ, faith, and salvation, by which the church is governed.
- Faith in Jesus Christ is the gift of God to man through which man is declared righteous before God who forgives all man's sins.
- Man, though created holy and innocent, by his own choice fell into sin, thus separating himself from God.
- Sin is every offense of God's law and leads man to death and eternal damnation unless he is redeemed.
- Redemption is the act of God revealed in the Bible and proclaimed by the Church whereby Jesus Christ, the Son of God, born of the Virgin Mary, died for the sins of the world and rose again from the dead to secure our redemption.