Divine Worship Service Schedule:

Worship  - Sundays - 9am (Lord's Supper is celebrated every Sunday)

Christian Education - Sundays - 10:15am (Bible study is offered for people of all ages)

4th - 7th Midweek & Adult Bible Study - Wednesdays - 5:30pm

Ash Wednesday - 6:30pm

Lent - 6:30pm (each Wednesday evening in Lent)

Maundy Thursday - 6:30pm

Good Friday "Tenebrae" - 6:30pm

Easter Vigil (Saturday) - 6:30pm

Easter - 9am 

Ascension Day - 6:30pm

Thanksgiving Eve - 6:30pm

Advent 6:30pm (each Wednesday evening in Advent)

Christmas Eve - 5pm (Candlelight Service)

Christmas Day - 9am


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